Tuesday, March 12, 2019


JANUARY 23, 2019


Here I sit with a head full of things that need to be done, but there is a list of things I would like to do. Now you combine these lists and add in a mind in a muddle as to what to do? How do I get started, what do I do first. 

Back in the day when I was working, I knew what had to be done at work, then I usually knew what I had to do at home. I was usually able to even handle an emergency when it came up. 

But now, when I know I have time to do what I need to do and I know I can make time to do what I want to do.

But what I actually wind up doing is sitting in my easy chair reading a book while watching TV.

I guess what I need to do is get rid of the tv and my books.

More thoughts later, if I can get my head on 

OK, I am now back at my introspection. But I still don't have any idea as to how resolve my dilemma. So I remain in a quandary. *Le Sigh*

"(C) Copyright by Victor Winebrenner"