Saturday, June 30, 2018

Paperwork and filing same.

Paperwork and filing same.

I don't know about anybody else, but I have never particularly liked having to file paperwork. Yes I knew that all business' and all families have paperwork that needs to be filed. This is true for business whether you like it or not. It is also true for families whether you like it or not.

In the case of families, the need for reviewing, deciding, and categorizing paperwork for filing is not taught in virtually all families. Nor is the need for reviewing, catagorizing, and filing of paperwork taught in High School, nor is it even taught in College.

Those families that have their own business soon learn that not only do they have to keep records, which of course includes filing same, but they also need to keep similar records in their own homes. This becomes even more a requirement, the richer they become. An ancillary supplement to record keeping is the need for having a lawyer or lawyers, and usally professional bookkeeping companies involved in your home and business.

On a personal note, I doubt that many people know that I have had my own personal business since the age of 25. This was true, even though I was working a full time job with a major company. This was true even when I was working for the government as a government employee in the Army Security Agency. 

The fact that I did have my own business', forced me to recognize early on, that I had to keep good and accurate records. Because my business' were conducted out of my own home, and thus involved Federal and State Tax information on my tax filings. Again, I won't go into the vissitudes of tax issues involved with home offices, depreciation, and other tax deductions required when filing your taxes.

I don't think this disposition is the place to discuss all the different buseness' I have had in my lifetime except to say I always enjoyed having and doing that work.

My point in all this discussion is that I have never really like having to file paperwork. What I did in order to deal with it, was to file what needed to be filed, as soon as I was finished with it. 

Now in my retirement I have been lazy and have not been taking care of filing my paperwork as soon as I got it, so I now have about six months worth I need to review, catagorize, and file.

This pile of paperwork is overwhelming and I am honestly putting off dealing with it, as too damn much to handle. I sometimes I even think about piling it up and burning all of it. 

God forgive me for thinking such thoughts.

So instead of burning, I decided to call my granddaughter Felicity and hire her help. So I did indeed call her and offered to pay her to help go through all of the piles of paperwork.

I knew when I asked her, that she would not really be able to really understand what and why something needed saving, or needing tossed.

What her major contributions would be, were; physical presence, and physical support.
Her presence gave me the support I needed to work through and complete getting my pile of work reviewed, sorted and filed or trashed.

Thank you Felicity for your love, support, and your help.

Love Grandpa.

"(C) Copyright by Victor Winebrenner"

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